China’s door of dialogue and communication with the Philippines remains open - MOFA

2024-05-29 19:49:07  CMG
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Reuters: The Philippines’ President today called new rules outlined by China’s Coast Guard that could result in detention of foreigners in the South China Sea “worrisome” and also “an escalation of the situation.” He said that the Philippines will use any point of contact with China to stop aggressive actions and allow Filipino fishermen to fish in the South China Sea. Does the Ministry have any response to this?

Mao Ning: The regulations are rolled out by China Coast Guard to standardize the administrative law-enforcement procedures of Coast Guard agencies and better uphold order at sea. It is consistent with universal practices. Individuals and entities have no need for concern as long as they have not done anything illicit.

Let me stress that it is the Philippines, not China, that has escalated the situation and made repeated provocations in the South China Sea. China’s door of dialogue and communication with the Philippines remains open, but it’s important to note that dialogue requires sincerity and whatever is agreed in dialogue must be acted upon, rather than talking about the need for dialogue while continuing to make provocations.