Statement of the Spokesperson of the Chinese Embassy in the Philippines on the Japanese Ambassador’s False Remarks on the South China Sea

2024-08-29 16:07:15  CMG
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Q: Recently, after the Xianbin Jiao collision incident between China and the Philippines, the Japanese Ambassador to the Philippines instantly made a high-profile response, saying “Another unacceptable development around Sabina Shoal. Any harassment & actions which increase tensions or obstruct freedom of navigation are not tolerated. Upholding a rules-based int’l order and adhering to commitments must prevail.” What is the Chinese Embassy’s comment on this?

A: We have taken note of the Japanese Ambassador’s irresponsible remarks and have issued a diplomatic note of protest to the Japanese Embassy in the Philippines. Whenever incidents occur in the South China Sea, the Japanese Ambassador always does not fail to give instant high-profile responses. Those were responses in ignorance of the facts and contained unwarranted accusations against China. We can’t help but ask, does he not need some time to understand the facts and truth of the incidents, even if he were a “judge” or “arbitrator” of some sort? His unprincipled criticisms and habitual bias, driven by “political correctness” can hardly contribute to upholding a “rules-based international order.”

Regarding adherence to international rules, can the Japanese Ambassador explain why Japan claims jurisdiction over 700,000 square kilometers based on the less than 10-square-meter area of the Okinotori reef? Can he explain why Japan ignores the health and safety of people in Asia and around the world by using the Pacific Ocean as a dumping ground for Fukushima radioactive water? Can international law, especially the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, be subject to such “double standards” and political manipulation?

Does the Japanese Ambassador not know that after World War II, China recovered the Nansha Qundao from Japanese invaders, which has then become an important part of the post-war international order? Has he forgotten Japan’s invasion of the Philippines, the destruction of Manila, and the resulting deaths of over 100,000 civilians in the Manila Massacre? Has he forgotten tens of thousands of the innocent souls perished under Japanese soldiers during the Bataan Death March and in the dungeons of Fort Santiago?

The peace and stability of the Asia-Pacific region are hard-earned and need to be cherished and protected by regional countries. China firmly safeguards its territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests, and remains committed to properly handling maritime disputes with the Philippines through dialogue and consultation. We urge Japan to deeply reflect on history, reflect on its words and actions, and contribute more to regional peace and stability, and try establishing itself as a truly independent and trustworthy country in the eyes of its Asian neighbors and the international community.